Join Business Consultant Robin Walker, for a mini workshop on moving through burnout to find your energy again in your business.
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Burnout can happen to anyone, regardless of how successful your business is.
It isn’t just you.
I have had many conversations with business owners that are tired and mentally spent after 2021. The unpredictability and stress of new limitations has been a burden for many of you this year. What has worked reliably in the past may no longer working the same way. Some of you had just figured out what works for you and your clients. Recreating your strategy can be exhausting after being in business for many years. Some of you with newer businesses have been able to craft your strategy with all the recent hurdles and design it as you go. But nothing has been the status quo and adaptation has been the name of the game. It isn’t just you.
1. Fill Your Tank
Check in with yourself. What are you depleted in? What has been getting the shaft? Sleep, exercise, friends?
If you can, take a break from the business- for as long as you can while staying in business. Sleep all day if you can. Don’t feel guilty. Eat some healthy foods, take your vitamins, get some fresh air, arrange a friends night out. Fill in the gaps of where you are running empty.
2. What is true?
It is easy to blame your environment, a saturated industry, under-performing facebook ads, or a pandemic. Most likely those are are influencing your current state of business. BUT I want you to figure out what is true. What is the track in your head telling you, and what is actually true?
For example, I had a client frustrated over sales feeling low and difficult. When she went back and entered her financials, she realized she had actually exceeded her goal for the quarter. It is easy to get stuck and look for what’s wrong. It is natural when we are tired and overwhelmed.
[Listen in to episode 68 for doing a brain dump to determine what may be draining you]
3. Non-negotiables
When I do yearly planning with clients, I always ask what their non-negotiables are. What happened this year that needs to go on that list? It may be something you wrote down in the last step. It is important to build your business so it fits you and your family’s needs.
Boundaries are a good thing.
Some examples I have seen go on the non-negotiables list:
- No more discounts unless they are strategic
- 48 hour consideration window before saying yes
- No more evening coaching sessions
- Removing a draining offer from your offer suite
So what will it be for you?
4. What support are you missing?
What gap is missing for you when it comes to business support? Do you have a tribe of other business owners you can check in with? It is really healthy to have a space to go where people understand your struggles and can give you support that actually helps. Not a pat on the head, or well meaning advice from a family member that has never run a business.
Someone justifying your feelings can be a godsend, but we also want to surround ourselves with the people that can help us out of the rut and back into action. Understanding and encouraging is a great mix.
Something we offer in the Impact Business Hub is a daily pep talk podcast. They are only about a minute long- just an encouraging word to keep you on track and feeling empowered.
5. Make things easier
When you were thinking about what has been draining you, assuming you can’t remove the thing how can you make it easier on yourself? Can you simplify a process, take a training, hire a coach?
Make a list of what you can make easier in your business- even if you aren’t sure how (yet).
A last little note:
I want you to know that you can get out of this funk and there are brighter business days are ahead.
Put your shoulders back, fake a big smile, and put your chin up.
You’ve got this.
I am here for you whether you are burnt out or on fire for your business- or that a weird combination of the two. Get in touch anytime.
This episode I am not going to going to tell you to go get back to work. Instead maybe you need to go back to bed. Big hugs friend. You can do it.
xo Robin
Click here to listen to more business episodes of the Women’s Business Workshop Podcast.
Ways to connect with Robin and get support:
IMPACT Business Circle (+Mastermind) and the Pep Talk Podcast: Forming groups now for next quarter!

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